
This is... HeatTransformers

HeatTransformers helps the Netherlands become more sustainable by selling and installing hybrid heat pumps. This helps households save on their energy bills and contributes to a better climate.

A significant step towards sustainable heating

Gas has long been the energy source used to heat our homes and for hot water usage. However, it’s now known that burning natural gas releases CO2, contributing to global warming. Stijn Otten and Gijs van Vrede saw that there could be a different way and founded HeatTransformers in 2018. HeatTransformers facilitates the sales process and installs (hybrid) heat pumps in Dutch households. This reduces CO2 emissions and gas bills by up to 70%. Thus, the company makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions from natural gas combustion. Now, they have the wind at their backs. With persistently high gas prices, many households are seeking ways to save money. Additionally, the government has mandated that a hybrid heat pump alongside the central heating boiler becomes mandatory by 2026.

"A saving of 70% on the gas bill"

A hybrid heat pump

A hybrid heat pump heats a house in a sustainable way. It’s a combination of a gas-fired boiler and an electric heat pump. The heat pump works like a reverse refrigerator, heating your home with energy extracted from the outside air. The old gas boiler kicks in when it’s too cold outside or when a lot of hot water is needed. This method of heating greatly reduces gas consumption – up to 70%. This is how hybrid heat pumps help achieve climate goals and prevent further global warming.

Every heat pump helps.

HeatTransformers is driving the energy transition in Dutch households. Dutch homes emit nearly 20 million tons of CO2 each year through gas combustion, with 75 to 80 percent of that being used for heating. For those looking to reduce CO2 emissions, addressing heating is essential. After home insulation, connecting to a heat pump is one of the most effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the investment pays off quickly.

Each installation of a hybrid heat pump saves 1,000 cubic meters of gas per year. For a fully electric heat pump, this figure is even higher at 1,750 cubic meters per year. Every cubic meter of gas not burned results in a CO2 saving of 1.89 kilograms. Since a heat pump lasts for 20 years, the savings accumulate over time. With the number of heat pumps HeatTransformers plans to install, we are talking about millions of kilograms of avoided CO2 emissions. And the great thing is that the larger HeatTransformers becomes, the more CO2 we save!


A hybrid heat pump heats a house in a sustainable manner.

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