For investors

How wonderful is it for investors to truly contribute to the world of tomorrow with their capital? By providing growth capital to young companies with a strong green mission, they can make even more impact. With the Fair Capital Impact Fund, this is possible. Our fund has two goals: investing in companies that demonstrably contribute to a sustainable and social world, and achieving a financial return for our participants.

Working within the natural limits of the earth

We strive for life on an earth treated with respect. A world where we do not exceed natural limits but rather aim to enrich the planet. By conserving resources and discarding no more than necessary. But also, a world where people treat each other fairly and everyone has opportunities to fully participate.

Many young entrepreneurs see opportunities in that sustainable world and start inspiring businesses that contribute to it. Growth capital for the development and expansion of their businesses is difficult to come by. Yet, many people have the means and are eager to play a role in this space, but struggle to find these inspiring companies themselves. That’s why we launched the Fair Capital Impact Fund for this group of investors.

"Putting Wealth to Work for a Better World"

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Connecting Investors and Entrepreneurs

The Fair Capital Impact Fund is an investment fund that serves as a bridge between individuals with wealth who want to use their resources entrepreneurially for a better world, and the young, sustainable entrepreneurs who demonstrate that change is possible.

By using wealth in an inspiring way, we can collectively achieve the greatest possible societal change and provide entrepreneurs with the financial space to develop their sustainable businesses.

"Participating in the fund is possible at any time"

Investing together

Investors participate collectively in the fund. Joining the fund is possible at any time. From that moment on, the investor participates in all new investments until the committed amount is fully invested.

With every sale of shares in a company, all involved investors share in the proceeds according to their contribution. This way, the commitment of an investor is gradually invested, and any proceeds are gradually released as well. This process continues until all investments in which a fund participant participates are sold, and their participation ends.


"It is immediately clear which investors participate for what stake."

Returns go entirely to investors - no bonuses.

Each investment is assigned a unique letter, ensuring clarity and transparency regarding the investors involved and their respective stakes in each investment. This is crucial when we sell the investment and distribute the proceeds among the participating investors.

As a team, we are driven by passion to utilize our knowledge and skills for a better world. Most importantly, we find immense satisfaction in our work and do not require bonuses for motivation. Therefore, we charge a fee for the services we provide, but do not share in the proceeds from the sale of an investment. Instead, the proceeds go directly to the involved investors in the fund.

Structure of the fund

Fair Capital Impact Fund is a Limited Partnership. Participants invest in the fund, pooling their assets for collective investment. The fund manager determines where the assets are invested. The legal ownership of the assets, including the equity interests in the companies, is held by the Fair Capital Impact Fund Foundation. The foundation’s board operates independently and acts in the interest of the participants in the fund. Participants remain the economic owners of the assets they contribute, even when invested in companies.

The manager, Fair Capital Partners Impact Investing B.V., is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) under the ‘light’ regime, making it an exempt manager. The management is conducted by Jasper Snoek and Daan Laméris.

As a ‘light’ manager (and the funds it manages), no supervision is exercised under the Prudential Supervision of Financial Undertakings and the Conduct of Business Supervision of Financial Undertakings parts of the Financial Supervision Act. For example, ‘light’ managers are not subject to requirements from the Financial Supervision Act concerning suitability and reliability of policymakers, information provision to investors, controlled and integral business operations, controlled remuneration, adequate risk and liquidity management, delegation, maintaining sufficient own capital, and custody. However, the manager and the fund are subject to supervision regarding the AML/CFT, SFDR, and PRIIPs regulations.

Much more information

Naturally, we have meticulously outlined how the fund operates, the conditions involved, the rights you have as an investor, the opportunities available, and the risks associated with participating in the fund. This information is detailed in the Information Memorandum and the Fund Terms and Conditions. Additionally, we have created a concise document for quick comparison with other funds, known as the Essential Information Document or EID. These documents are shared with those interested in the fund. We consider it crucial that potential investors fully understand what it entails to participate in an investment fund like the Fair Capital Impact Fund. Furthermore, we want to ensure that potential participants are prepared for the significant risk and long-term commitment involved.

Would you like to know more about the Fair Capital Impact Fund?